Professor Jennifer L Martin

Professor Jennifer L. Martin is recognised internationally for her pioneering research in protein crystallography, a branch of structural biology that seeks to understand how biological machines operate.
She was the University of Wollongong Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research & Innovation) from 2019 to 2022. Prior to that role, Jenny enjoyed a research career at the University of Queensland supported by four nationally competitive fellowships including an inaugural ARC Laureate Fellowship, and at Griffith University as Director of the Griffith Institute for Drug Discovery.
Professor Martin's achievements were recognised in 2018 with the highest civilian honour in Australia, Companion of the Order of Australia, “for eminent service to science, and to scientific research, particularly in the field of biochemistry and protein crystallography applied to drug-resistant bacteria, as a role model, and as an advocate for gender equality in science”. Professor Martin was recently a member of the Executive Committee for the International Union of Crystallography. She is currently a Board Member for the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre and she chairs the Advisory Committee to the Worldwide Protein Data Bank.