Our People
The Maurice Wilkins Centre draws together more than 240 investigators from around the country, linking researchers from six universities, three Crown Research Institutes, one private research institutes, and nine District Health Boards.
These investigators represent most of New Zealand's expertise in discovering new drugs, vaccines and diagnostic tools that proceed to clinical trials. In addition to its associate investigators (listed here) the Centre has twenty principal investigators and more than 250 early to mid-career affiliates.
Associate Investigators
School of Biological Sciences - Victoria University of Wellington
Department of Anatomy - University of Otago
Associate Professor Jane Allison
School of Biological Sciences - University of Auckland
School of Physical and Chemical Sciences - University of Canterbury
Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre - University of Auckland
Department of Anatomy - University of Otago
School of Biological Sciences - University of Auckland
Department of Biological Sciences - University of Waikato
Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre - University of Auckland
Department of Molecular Medicine and Pathology - University of Auckland
School of Biological Sciences - Victoria University of Wellington
Department of Microbiology and Immunology - University of Otago
Emeritus Professor Bruce Baguley
Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre - University of Auckland
Department of Public Health - University of Otago (Wellington)
Associate Professor Louise Barbier
Department of Surgery - University of Auckland
Associate Professor Adam Bartlett
Department of Surgery - University of Auckland
Associate Professor Ghader Bashiri
School of Biological Sciences - University of Auckland
Faculty of Science and Engineering - University of Waikato
Department of Public Health - University of Otago (Wellington)
Malaghan Institute of Medical Research
Department of Biochemistry - University of Otago
Associate Professor Cherie Blenkiron
Department of Molecular Medicine and Pathology - University of Auckland
Department of Molecular Medicine and Pathology - University of Auckland
Waitemata District Health Board
Associate Professor Mihnea Bostina
Department of Microbiology and Immunology - University of Otago
Department of Chemistry - Auckland University of Technology
School of Biological Sciences - University of Auckland
Department of Molecular Medicine and Pathology - University of Auckland
Department of Physiology - University of Otago
Associate Professor Chris Brown
Department of Biochemistry - University of Otago
Department of Anatomy - University of Otago
Department of Molecular Medicine and Pathology - University of Auckland
Associate Professor Jaydee Cabral
Department of Microbiology and Immunology - University of Otago
School of Chemical Sciences - University of Auckland
Faculty of Denistry - University of Otago
Institute of Environmental Science & Research
Associate Professor Aniruddha Chatterjee
Department of Pathology - University of Otago
Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre - University of Auckland
Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre - University of Auckland
Associate Professor Davide Comoletti
School of Biological Sciences - Victoria University of Wellington
Malaghan Institute of Medical Research
Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre - University of Auckland
School of Medicine - University of Auckland
Institute of Fundamental Sciences - Massey University
Associate Professor Margaret Currie
Department of Pathology - University of Otago (Christchurch)
Department of Pathology - University of Otago (Christchurch)
School of Medicine - University of Auckland
Department of Surgery and Anesthesia - University of Otago (Wellington)
School of Pharmacy - University of Otago
Department of Molecular Medicine and Pathology - University of Auckland
School of Science - Auckland University of Technology
School of Biological Sciences - University of Auckland
Department of Biochemistry - University of Otago
Department of Biochemistry - University of Otago
Department of Molecular Medicine and Pathology - Univeristy of Auckland
Department of Pathology and Biomedical Science - University of Otago (Christchurch)
Te Aka Mātuatua - School of Science - University of Waikato
Department of Biochemistry - University of Otago
School of Biological Sciences - Canterbury University
School of Medical Sciences - University of Auckland
Department of Pathology - University of Otago
Department of Medicine - University of Otago (Christchurch)
Department of Chemistry - University of Canterbury
School of Biological Sciences - University of Auckland
Department of Biochemistry - University of Otago
Institute of Fundamental Sciences - Massey University
Department of Microbiology and Immunology - University of Otago
Associate Professor Jack Flanagan
Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology - University of Auckland
Department of Pathology - University of Otago
Associate Professor Martin Fronius
Department of Physiology - University of Otago
Associate Professor Daniel Furkert
School of Chemical Sciences - University of Auckland
Ferrier Research Institute - Victoria University of Wellington
Associate Professor Allan Gamble
School of Pharmacy - University of Otago
School of Biological Sciences - University of Auckland
Associate Professor Mike Garratt
Department of Anatomy - University of Otago
Department of Microbiology and Immunology - University of Otago
Institute of Environmental Science & Research
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology - University of Otago
Associate Professor David Goldstone
School of Biological Sciences - University of Auckland
Plant and Food Research
Department of Anatomy - University of Otago
Department of Chemistry - University of Otago
School of Medicine - University of Auckland
Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology - University of Auckland
Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre - University of Auckland
Associate Professor Chris Hall
Department of Molecular Medicine and Pathology - University of Auckland
Centre for Free Radical Research - University of Otago
School of Fundamental Sciences - Massey University
Associate Professor Paul Harris
School of Biological Sciences - University of Auckland
Ferrier Research Institute - Victoria University of Wellington
School of Chemical Sciences - University of Auckland
Associate Professor Joanne Harvey
School of Chemical and Physical Sciences - Victoria University of Wellington
School of Biological Sciences - University of Auckland
Associate Professor Michael Hay
Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre - University of Auckland
Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences - University of Auckland
Department of Molecular Medicine and Pathology - University of Auckland
Institute of Environmental Science & Research
Department of Pathology - University of Otago
School of Biological Sciences - University of Auckland
Faculty of Science and Engineering - University of Waikato
Department of Preventive and Social Medicine - University of Otago
Haematology Research Group - Canterbury District Health Board & Department of Pathology and Biomedical Science - University of Otago (Christchurch)
School of Medical Sciences - University of Auckland
School of Medical Sciences - University of Auckland
School of Pharmacy - University of Otago
Department of Pathology - University of Otago
Institute of Environmental Science & Research
Plant and Food Research
Associate Professor Matloob Husain
Department of Microbiology and Immunology - University of Otago
Associate Professor Karl Iremonger
Department of Physiology - University of Otago
Associate Professor Keith Ireton
Department of Microbiology and Immunology - University of Otago
Department of Medicine - University of Otago
Department of Microbiology and Immunology - University of Otago
Emeritus Professor Geoff Jameson
School of Food Technology and Fundamental Sciences - Massey University
Associate Professor Stephen Jamieson
Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre - University of Auckland
Ferrier Research Institute - Victoria University of Wellington
Department of Chemistry - University of Canterbury
Department of Physiology - University of Otago
Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre - University of Auckland
Associate Professor Rajesh Katare
Department of Physiology - University of Otago
School of Chemical Sciences - University of Auckland
Te Huataki Waiora School of Health - University of Waikato
Department of Microbiology and Immunology - University of Otago
Department of Pathology - University of Otago (Christchurch)
Department Biomedicine and Medical Diagnostics - Auckland University of Technology
Associate Professor Robert Keyzers
School of Chemical & Physical Sciences - Victoria University of Wellington
School of Biological Sciences - University of Auckland
Associate Professor Joanna Kirman
Department of Microbiology and Immunology - University of Otago
Associate Professor Bronwyn Kivell
School of Biological Sciences - Victoria University of Wellington
Auckland University of Technology
Division of Health Sciences - University of Otago and CCDHB
Institute of Environmental Science and Research
School of Biological Sciences - Victoria University of Wellington
Associate Professor Goetz Laible
Associate Professor Regis Lamberts
Department of Physiology - University of Otago
Ferrier Research Institute - Victoria University of Wellington
Department of Biochemistry - University of Otago
Sir John Walsh Research Institute - University of Otago
Department of Molecular Medicine and Pathology - University of Auckland
Emeritus Professor Dave Larsen
Department of Chemistry - University of Otago
Department of Molecular Medicine and Pathology - University of Auckland
Department of Oncology - University of Auckland
Department of Physiology - University of Otago
Associate Professor Liz Ledgerwood
Department of Biochemistry - University of Otago
Department of Molecular Medicine and Pathology - University of Auckland
Malaghan Institute of Medical Research
Associate Professor Klaus Lehnert
School of Biological Sciences - University of Auckland
Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre - University of Auckland
School of Biological Sciences - University of Canterbury
Associate Professor Dong-Xu Liu
School of Science - Auckland University of Technology
School of Science & School of Interprofessional Health Studies - Auckland University of Technology
Department of Molecular Medicine and Pathology - University of Auckland
School of Biological Sciences - University of Auckland
Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre - University of Auckland
Faculty of Health and Environmental Sciences - Auckland University of Technology
Environmental Science and Research
Department of Biochemistry - University of Otago
School of Physical and Chemical Sciences - University of Canterbury
Department of Anatomy - University of Otago
Department of Molecular Medicine and Pathology - University of Auckland
Department of Surgical Sciences - University of Otago
Associate Professor Melanie McConnell
School of Biological Sciences - Victoria University of Wellington
Department of Biochemistry - University of Otago
Department of Pharmacology - University of Auckland
Department of Microbiology and Immunology - University of Otago
Department of Microbiology and Immunology - University of Otago
Department of Pathology - University of Otago
Associate Professor Kim Mellor
School of Medicine - University of Auckland
School of Chemical Sciences - University of Auckland
Department of Biochemistry - University of Otago
Associate Professor Troy Merry
Department of Molecular Medicine and Pathology - University of Auckland
Associate Professor Jennifer Miles-Chan
Human Nutrition Unit - University of Auckland
Emeritus Professor John Miller
School of Biological Sciences - Victoria University of Wellington
Associate Professor Brian Monk
Deparment of Oral Sciences - University of Otago
Associate Professor Kathy Mountjoy
Department of Physiology - University of Auckland
School of Biological Sciences - Victoria University of Wellington
Department of Biochemistry - University of Otago
Department of Molecular Medicine and Pathology - University of Auckland
School of Mathematics and Statistics - Victoria University of Wellington
Associate Professor Bjorn Oback
Plant and Food Research
Associate Professor Pawel Olszewski
Department of Biological Sciences - University of Waikato
School of Biological Sciences - Victoria University of Wellington
Liggins Institute - University of Auckland
Ferrier Research Institute - Victoria University of Wellington
Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology - The University of Auckland
School of Biological Sciences - Victoria University of Wellington
School of Biological Sciences - University of Canterbury
Department of Medicine - University of Otago (Christchurch)
School of Biological Sciences - Victoria University of Wellington
Malaghan Institute of Medical Research
Liggins Institute - University of Auckland
Department of Chemistry - University of Otago
School of Biological Sciences - University of Auckland
Research Associate Professor Anna Pilbrow
Christchurch Heart Institute - University of Otago
Department of Microbiology and Immunology - University of Otago
School of Medicine - University of Auckland
Department of Molecular Medicine and Pathology - University of Auckland
Department of Molecular Medicine and Pathology - University of Auckland
Department of Biomedicine and Medical Diagnostics - Auckland University of Technology
Department of Surgery - University of Otago (Christchurch)
Department of Molecular Medicine and Pathology - University of Auckland
Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre - Massey University
Department of Pathology - University of Otago
Department of Molecular Medicine and Pathology - University of Auckland
Associate Professor Gordon Rewcastle
Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre - University of Auckland
School of Pharmacy - University of Otago
Auckland District Health Board
Department of Pathology - University of Otago
Malaghan Institute of Medical Research
Department of Microbiology and Immunology - University of Otago
Associate Professor Evelyn Sattlegger
Institute of Natural and Mathematical Sciences - Massey University
Department of Physiology - University of Otago
Associate Professor Brent Seale
School of Science - Auckland University of Technology
Bioactive Group - Cawthron Institute
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology - University of Auckland
School of Biological Sciences - University of Auckland
School of Nursing - Massey University
Associate Professor Dianne Sika-Paotonu
Department of Pathology and Molecular Medicine - University of Otago (Wellington)
Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre - University of Auckland
Associate Professor Tania Slatter
Department of Pathology - University of Otago
Associate Profressor Jeff Smaill
Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre - University of Auckland
School of Biological Sciences - University of Auckland
School of Chemical Sciences - University of Auckland
Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre - University of Auckland
Associate Professor Chris Squire
School of Biological Sciences - University of Auckland
Associate Professor Bridget Stocker
Immunoglycomics Group - Victoria University of Wellington
School of Biological Sciences - University of Canterbury
School of Chemical Sciences - University of Auckland
Auckland Bioengineering Group - University of Auckland
Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre - University of Auckland
School of Biological Sciences - University of Auckland
School of Biological Sciences - University of Auckland
Professor Paul Teesdale-Spittle
School of Biological Sciences - Victoria University of Wellington
Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre - University of Auckland
Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre - University of Auckland
Associate Professor Mattie Timmer
School of Biological Sciences - Victoria University of Wellington
Liggins Institute - University of Auckland
School of Health Sciences - Massey University
Associate Professor Alexander Tups
Department of Physiology - University of Otago
Ferrier Research Institute - Victoria University of Wellington
School of Pharmacy - University of Otago
Department of Microbiology and Immunology - University of Otago
Department of Chemistry - University of Otago
Liggins Institute - University of Auckland
School of Biological Sciences - University of Auckland
Associate Professor Logan Walker
Department of Pathology - University of Otago, Christchurch
Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences - University of Auckland
Department of Microbiology and Immunology - University of Otago
Department of Biochemistry - University of Otago
Malaghan Institute of Medical Research
Associate Professor Jingyuan Wen
School of Pharmacy - University of Auckland
Associate Professor Siouxsie Wiles
Department of Molecular Medicine and Pathology - University of Auckland
Emeritus Professor David Williams
School of Chemical Sciences - University of Auckland
School of Science - University of Waikato
Department of Surgery - University of Auckland
Department of Microbiology and Immunology - University of Otago
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Musculoskeletal Medicine - University of Otago (Christchurch)
School of Biological Sciences - Victoria University of Wellington
School of Pharmacy - University of Auckland
School of Biological Sciences - University of Auckland
School of Biological Sciences - University of Auckland
Ferrier Research Institute - Victoria University of Wellington